Marking 100 years since the passing of Joseph Rowntree, learn more


Over the past years we have written, co-written, and commissioned a number of short publications. We have also assisted and advised others in the writing of books on Rowntree subjects. Our own publications are available to download, and to order in hard copy. We also have stocks of small selection of related publications that we can supply on request.

Joseph Rowntree: A Brief Biography

We highly recommend Chris Titley’s illustrated biography that we commissioned and researched (published in October 2013 by ourselves at The Rowntree Society, jointly with Shire Publications). Contact us if you’d like a copy.

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The Rowntree Legacy: Capitalism, Compassion, Change

We co-wrote The Rowntree Legacy,  together with a Poster Exhibition as part of our Seebohm Rowntree HLF project.

See also the downloadable Factsheet (right) that gives a quick overview to Seebohm’s remarkable achievement as a whole.

Five Rowntree Walks in York

In 2017 we produced a 48-page book of Five Rowntree Walks that give an introduction to the built environment in five areas of York with a strong Rowntree connection. They show the extent to which the family had a hand in shaping the modern city.

A timeline history of New Earswick

Downloadable from this page and available for sale in hard copy at the Folk Hall in New Earswick at a price of £3.

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Support Us

Our work is enabled by grant funding from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, and the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust. If you would like to make a financial donation to further support our work, it is easy to pay online (with or without Gift Aid) by clicking the link below. You can get in touch with us about other ways of giving via
