Marking 100 years since the passing of Joseph Rowntree, learn more
History Unsweetened: Festival of Ideas

History Unsweetened: Festival of Ideas

After the abolition of slavery, Britain implemented a new system of unfree labour to maintain its power and profit. Hear the stories of the Indian men and women who were brought to the Caribbean to work on sugar and cocoa plantations during the period of Indian Indentureship, many settling there permanently. Their exploitation – and entrepreneurship – enabled the growth of familiar global confectionary companies such as Rowntree’s.

Watch the video below for a journey through archival photographs, family histories and documentary film, and learn more about the contemporary forms of unfree labour which endure in supply chains across the world.



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Our work is enabled by grant funding from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, and the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust. If you would like to make a financial donation to further support our work, it is easy to pay online (with or without Gift Aid) by clicking the link below. You can get in touch with us about other ways of giving via
